How Do Our Fractional CFO Consulting Services Work?
Our Fractional CFO services give our clients a clear direction to grow a successful business. Our structured approach defines specific, attainable goals reviewed in regular meetings with two goals: your business's success and generating consistent, positive cash flow.
Right Fit Call
Our first meeting is a right fit call, where we get to know you and your business, and you get to know us and our Fractional CFO consulting services. This short, 20-30-minute meeting introduces us to what you do and your business and teaches you a little about our services. It’s here where we decide together if your business is a good fit for our Fractional CFO services and if you’re ready for a financial assessment.
Financial Assessment
Our proprietary system creates a simple, easy-to-understand financial assessment of your business. You provide some basic accounting information, and we create a powerful presentation of your financial assessment and our proposal. It summarizes sales information over the last two years, critical balance sheet accounts, specific expense account benchmarks, and how the analysis of your financials and our services will help improve your business and the bottom line. The Wren Group offers this detailed assessment to your business at no charge.
Kick-Off Meeting
The kick-off meeting is the first “official” introduction to our Fractional CFO consulting services. To prepare for this meeting, we’ll need specific financials from your most recently closed period and access to your financial software. This meeting will define your personal and business goals, and we’ll review actual income and balance sheet results over the past two years. Then, we’ll set targets for each cash flow driver and schedule the monthly meetings.
Monthly Meeting
Our monthly meeting does three essential things. First, you’ll update your Fractional CFO on your business and any wins or challenges you’ve had over the last month. Then, we’ll review your Scoreboard, which measures the business goals we set on our kick-off call or in the prior month’s meeting. We’ll review the action plan and objectives and discuss any obstacles you faced in meeting the goals we set. Last, we’ll set next month’s action plan and goals and send you a copy of your Scoreboard and goal sheet.
Annual Goals
In January or after twelve months of your Fractional CFO service, we meet to redefine your business and personal goals and discuss next year’s roadmap. During this call, we’ll set targets for your cash flow drivers and identify areas of particular importance to you. After this meeting, we’ll send you an updated list of identified targets and your business and personal goals.
Meet Your CFO
Anne Huntsinger is an almost 20-year entrepreneur, starting The Wren Group in 2005 and managing it into double-digit growth even during the downturn in 2008 and Covid in 2021. Her ability to pivot not just in her own business but also in guiding her clients makes her contribution as a fractional CFO consultant crucial to her clients’ success. Clients say she has an uncanny ability to make them feel at ease almost immediately and target the challenges of their businesses. While accountants tend to live only in the numbers, she has a unique ability to combine financial expertise with business operations know-how to provide clear and attainable goals to grow.